
Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Move on

Moving on means you are stepping forward to the future. Moving on could be living in a new  house,new girlfriend,new boyfriend or anything else!

I found teenagers cant move on their X-boyF and X-GirlF
You have to move on?why??
wasting your teenager life thinking about someone who never think about you are a waste of time they're not worth it! Its time for you to step forward living in a new life. You must leave all the past behind. everything its just the past. Do you feel comfortable in this position? if not its time for you to move on to somewhere comfortable for you.
The past is just the past
if you cant move on.Its lke you are walking forward but your head are looking behind..
if you love him/her so much. You must be able to let him/her go for someone he/she loves. even if its not you :)
let time flow and you will find someone better:)
dont ever leave someone who loves you for somone who you liked 
Lets enjoy our young life for something better.You are only young once and lets use it for something useful instead of wasting for "someone"

thank you for your time to read , regards,anggi! :)

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Dear Teenagers,Lets Read this!

HELLO!!,this is anggi and i like to share you a short message,please read it!pure my hand writing no copy paste from anywhere else ;)
Dear teenagers,

be more "adult"ish will ya? its time for you to be more adult than you are now. Its not wrong you are a teenager.Its right! go have fun! but you can not have too much fun

Lets talk about parents,
You ever shouted to your parents?talk them behind?pointing finger behind?or mocking inside of your mind?
Listen,Stop saying on twitter or facebook or somewhere saying "i wanna die" "i wanna run away from this house,this house is worthless" "i hate my parents" "I dont need my parents"

Lets see what "our" parents did for us,and what us did for them for the past couple of years

When you were 1,your parents gave you expensive food to make you healthy
you replied them by puking,and throw them food on the floor

When you were 4,your parents take you to a school with their money they earned
you replied them by refusing to go to school

When you were 6 your parents gave you expensive clothes
then you replied them by saying "i hate this clothes i dont want to wear it!!"

When you were 10 your parents droped you on school
you replied them by running away because you are embarrased of your parents droping you off

When you were 12 your parents worried about you on school ,are you okay,are you fine,are everything okay?
you replied them by going home late playing with your friends leaving you parents/mom alone in the house WORRYING about you

When you were 13 your parents greets you after schol
you replied them by running to your room "later im tired i dont want to talk about it"

When you were 14 your parents bought you electronical stuffs like phone,computer etc. for your happiness
you replied them by playing all day long inside your room without having conversation with your parents and leaving them alone without you

Dont you realize how much you parents sacrifice for you,and dont you realize how do you "replied" all of your parent's sacrifing? 
now. TELL THEM, "I LOVE YOU" and kiss them on their cheek 
and respect them for they are your parents and forever will sacrifice for you.
Tell them all your loving words instead of you mocking words, before its TOO LATE
before they leave you FOREVER.

and for you who said "i can live without my parents" "i wanna run away" "i hate my parents"
Will you care think about it for moment?

regards , ANGGI