
Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Move on

Moving on means you are stepping forward to the future. Moving on could be living in a new  house,new girlfriend,new boyfriend or anything else!

I found teenagers cant move on their X-boyF and X-GirlF
You have to move on?why??
wasting your teenager life thinking about someone who never think about you are a waste of time they're not worth it! Its time for you to step forward living in a new life. You must leave all the past behind. everything its just the past. Do you feel comfortable in this position? if not its time for you to move on to somewhere comfortable for you.
The past is just the past
if you cant move on.Its lke you are walking forward but your head are looking behind..
if you love him/her so much. You must be able to let him/her go for someone he/she loves. even if its not you :)
let time flow and you will find someone better:)
dont ever leave someone who loves you for somone who you liked 
Lets enjoy our young life for something better.You are only young once and lets use it for something useful instead of wasting for "someone"

thank you for your time to read , regards,anggi! :)

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