
Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Over-Heating laptop/PC

Hey this anggi's original post , today we'll be talking about over heated laptop

So ..when you play wif your laptop Your laptop turns hot easily?and sometimes Your laptop's keyboard also producing hot air?

Well,Here is some tips and solution

Your problem is.first you have to know where is the air coming out,usually old laptop air thingy is under the laptop,but new laptop is on the side of the laptop, you must know it

so,here is the solution

Go buy a fan for you laptop , if you dont know,just ask the seller.he'll know
Dont play pwith Your laptop on your bed . This happens because your laptop is hot,then the hot air transfers in to you bed then The laptop get much more hotter.So play it on a hard surface

CLEAN!! , You know the ventilation or what ever idk whats the name is,its where the hot air come out usually on the side of the laptop or under it . It must be dirty and full of dust , so You must clean it , you must re-open the laptop just to clean it,if you cant go to a electronic store they usually charge for 150thousand IDR , yes expensive . If you don't want to you can do it youself

The reason why you must clean it its because the ventilation where the hot air is coming out is blocked by dusts so the hot air stays inside you laptop.making you laptop much much hotter and then it'll restart itself with no explanation

You can do this to your PC to.cleaning your PC is much easier you can open your PC (opening the screw and stuffs) and you see a giant fan with full of dust . clean it! its easier than cleaning your laptop:)
So hope this helps.!
*cheers* goodbye:)

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