
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

I know you are more rude in the internet than real life

Title says it. So is that true? Im sure! yea!
mostly in youtube. 'cause thats when cyber-rude-people are all over !

so I just wanna say some words to you CRP(cyber rude people) HAHA lol i made that up

what are you doing silly?being mean to all of those people there on youtube saying negative comments.
Cmon are you serious?You are stupid because you are afraid to say that in REAL LIFE. I don't really think you have real life! haha jk :p

like ive said. treat people the way you wanted to be treated. SO. STOP SITTING IN FRONT OF YOUR LAPTOP LIKE STUPID AND MOCKING PEOPLE AROUND THE INTERNET.

If you can be nice then why can't be you be nice also in the internet?stop being mean . you stupid .. lol im mean
I owe it im huge different in real life and in the internet . BUT. In the internet life i never and will never leave comments bad stuffs and brokes someones heart . Because Im nice

Im so weird


Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

What have your mom been giving to you?

the title says it all.

i just wanna give a short message.. well the specific topic that ill be discussing is about your parents.
here's what your mom and what you did for the past couple of years on your life.

when you're 1 yr Mom gave you food to make you healthy
you throw up those foods

when you're 4 mom takes you on school
but you cry and mad 'cause you dont wanna

when you're 6 mom gave you pair of clothes
you reply them by throwing those clothes away 'cause you don't like it

when you're 12 you mom gave you cool phone gadget etc
you reply them by staying inside you room all day and let your mom be alone outside

when you're 14 your mom waiting for you to come home from school
but you reply them by running to your room with no conversation

when you're 18 your mom is worried about you at school
you reply them by shutting and locking your room and say "Don't bother me! Im Tired!"

all these days your mom gave everything for you. your mom sacrifice everything,taking care of you from 0 age till now. but you hate her,and you don't want her in your life right?most of you are

ONE DAY. when you're older.your mom will get older too.then you see her sleeping . but her body is stiff as eyes,her eyes are closed tight and will not gonna open again for you.She just left you forever

there will be no more smile you mom gave to you when you arrive from school,there will be no more tears from her because all of you mistake, there will be no more hug from her, no more her cute laugh

Please.. if your mom still here with you . hug her. Tell her that you love her and give everything you can to make her happy . a simple "I love You" can make her happy. so one day if she leave you. there will be no regret:)

Kamis, 17 November 2011

I found the most inspirational person EVAH

I just wanna tell you guys that ive found someone who's very inspirational..and..really she's my role model'

SHE'S Lisa cimorelli..from the cimorelli family.its not that i dont' like the others..I DO..but Lisa's personality ..especially her advice and her point of view ..is just the most greatest and amazing thing..i mean seriously you gotta see her! check her formspring too formspring.me/lisacim .. i mean she's 18..she has NO boyfriend and never had  a boyfriend..she's saving her first kiss for her marriage..
AND SHE NEVER SWEARS..i mean WTF(whytheface) kids and ppl these day 99% of them swears..

but lisa and the rest of the family dont!! omgomg..amazing..

AND MOST OF ALL..HER VOICE IS FANTASTICAL AMAZINGAL and i dont even think amzingal is even a word...but who cares..

CIMORELLI I LOVE YOU! AAAHHH im nutss...i got rabies laowlaowlao ZOMGBBQPASTA . the cimorelli makes the music perfect

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Short Message For ya'll haters out there

Hey people. I just wanna give a short message to people who likes to hate.In my school theres a lot people who hate someone judging by their eye..point of view

"that girl wears to much make up"
"that girl style is so off-trend and are stupid as s*it"
"hahaha that girl have an imaginary friend,FREAK!!"
"that girl&boy always sits and walks alone..what a creep they don't have any friend" and tryna make fun of them

OH GOSH I swear i wanted to shout either slap nor cry at the same time to the person who said this.


I saw a wise comment on youtube im not sure what it was.But..let just do this my way

"that girl wears to much make up" : You don't know how she's feels,feeling she's the ugliest and putting tons of make up just to make YOU say she's pretty

"that girl style is so off-trend and are stupid as s*it" You don't know that their parents are broke so she don't have enough money to buy them a new pair. UNLIKE YOU.

"hahaha that girl have an imaginary friend,FREAK!!" : You don't know that she cries in her room because their parents fight and she is stressed and don't have enough friend 'cause they thinks she's stupid

"that girl&boy always sits and walks alone..what a creep they don't have any friend" and tryna make fun of them  : YOU DONT KNOW. That they have mental problem have comunicating with people and they always shy to talk to other people.Their parents try hard to make them have many friends.but it turns out u make fun of them!

"YOURE FAT" : You don't know she's going on a diet just to make them skinnier.LIKE YOU

"YOURE SKINNY" : You don't know she's have tons of pills eaten to make them fatter and stressed enough mocked in school as the skinny guy.


im so highly emotional right now..idk..i just..wanna shout thiss words in front of those haters face..

peace! bye


so now when you're a teenager .somewhere deep inside you think you every age that are huge below you are "stupid". as in the word..don't have the same mind as ours..So everytime you talk to a below 8 year old, you prob. gonna say with the weird tone ,like all of the adults talk to little kids..You know... the tone where dora says in the tv show.. lol.

Well most of you gonna say "i can't get along with little kids,im a teenager" well it DOESNT makes sense dude. You WERE a little kids.how come you say you can't get along..see your mind when you're 7 were like..40% then when you're a teenager you are 70%. So you can think using the 40% of your mind to play with them..if ya know what i mean.well if you say "i can't get along with adults,im a teenager" well..that does makes sense..lol

guess what.in my spare time i spent thinking about life..and kids..well..I remember how i used to be a kid . play and have fun..OH such a memories. So I see little kids passed by and then i try to play with them and so that i get along!

here's how i do it. Now I close my eyes and imagine myself at that age and ALL of the memories from that age that i could remember. Then.other than thinking memories from that age I also Think the way-my-mind-think when i was that age too..

like I thought that monsters were real..and all of the gadget from kids next door on cartoon networks were real..So then i forgot all of my thought and mind from when im a teenager.and focused from when i was their age..

and I play with them..so it was COOL being a kid again having so much fun. and little kids may think us as a "friend" instead of a senior or big bro/sis..

haha! random..weird...but COOL!

Random Update

today will be no wise words..havent think any wise words...been busy shooting with katy perry ..JK LOL. TW KATY IS COMING TO INDONESIA ZOMGBBQPASTA! the cheapest price is 66 bucks! dang it! im broke..I'M SERIOUSLY BROKE! ..i wanna watch katy.i swear i would cry if i dont make that concert...

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Who needs BoyF/GirlF?!

Who needs boyfriend in my kind of age?14 for exact..
Dont you think BF is for our future husband?,i mean why do we need it now??Its not like we’re gonna get married soon? 
Why do we fill our teenage/young life by focusing on love?
Im gonna focus on my dreamS. Until i reached my dream . then Ill find a BoyF and get marrief and share my “dream came true” ,with my futureHusband
Rather than wasting your young life for love and broken heart,youre not gonna focus on anything like school,dreams,family,friendship..WHY DO WE NEED BOYF NOW?!
Im gonna marry at the age of 23 or sumthin.Nad its like 9 years away, rather than wasting my 9 years of life searching for love and broken heart,why not search for future?,our dreams?
People said “We need boyfriend to support us and love us” WHY MUST BOYF?! Where you have family&bestfriends&friends to support you?
You want a kiss on your lips?a hug? why not save your kiss for someone special 9 years later?why not ask you bestfriend for a hug?it felt millin times better than getting a hug from a boy that maybe 3 years later youre not gonna be with him,and all of it is just a regret, and you’re broken heart thinking about him for years and years…when “years and years” you can spent by chasing you dreams?!

well..except youre already like 20 or sumthin and ready to get married and share your dream-came-true with :))

anggie with much love xoxo

Senin, 26 September 2011

Keep hearing people mocking you are a freak?or feeling you are different than everyone else around you?

listen,Its okay to be different there is nothing "the same" here in this world , If everyone here is the same , then who's going to be different?

There is a boy,girl,gay,lesbian,transgendered,bi,ugly,cute,handsome,beautiful,amazing,creative

Everyone here in this world is different,and so are you

So if you been mocked by someone maybe saying youre "ugly" "freak" Think,you are not the only one who's ugly and freak in this world,there is someone uglier or freakier here in this world:D
and you're not like the other! you're "unique"

Or maybe,they are just jealous for who you are,maybe they wanted to be you so they mocked you because they r jealous

Don't ever be someone you are not,except be "you" but better.not be someone else

you r not alone! haha :D
kay??God make every people different.but they are all awesome and so are you.So just go out there and be yourself don't follow other people style. okay? ;)

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Over-Heating laptop/PC

Hey this anggi's original post , today we'll be talking about over heated laptop

So ..when you play wif your laptop Your laptop turns hot easily?and sometimes Your laptop's keyboard also producing hot air?

Well,Here is some tips and solution

Your problem is.first you have to know where is the air coming out,usually old laptop air thingy is under the laptop,but new laptop is on the side of the laptop, you must know it

so,here is the solution

Go buy a fan for you laptop , if you dont know,just ask the seller.he'll know
Dont play pwith Your laptop on your bed . This happens because your laptop is hot,then the hot air transfers in to you bed then The laptop get much more hotter.So play it on a hard surface

CLEAN!! , You know the ventilation or what ever idk whats the name is,its where the hot air come out usually on the side of the laptop or under it . It must be dirty and full of dust , so You must clean it , you must re-open the laptop just to clean it,if you cant go to a electronic store they usually charge for 150thousand IDR , yes expensive . If you don't want to you can do it youself

The reason why you must clean it its because the ventilation where the hot air is coming out is blocked by dusts so the hot air stays inside you laptop.making you laptop much much hotter and then it'll restart itself with no explanation

You can do this to your PC to.cleaning your PC is much easier you can open your PC (opening the screw and stuffs) and you see a giant fan with full of dust . clean it! its easier than cleaning your laptop:)
So hope this helps.!
*cheers* goodbye:)

Numpang Promosi!

Hai!!! kali ini gue mau numpang lewat promosi kalo gue sekarang jadi tukang jualan pulsa.yang kenal gue beli aja di gue ~_~ gak mahal kok semuanya cuma nambah 1000 perak kecuali 50rb sama 100rb kalo itu harganya tetep

bye~ *cipikacipiki*
jangan marah ya aku cium nih :*:*:*

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Move on

Moving on means you are stepping forward to the future. Moving on could be living in a new  house,new girlfriend,new boyfriend or anything else!

I found teenagers cant move on their X-boyF and X-GirlF
You have to move on?why??
wasting your teenager life thinking about someone who never think about you are a waste of time they're not worth it! Its time for you to step forward living in a new life. You must leave all the past behind. everything its just the past. Do you feel comfortable in this position? if not its time for you to move on to somewhere comfortable for you.
The past is just the past
if you cant move on.Its lke you are walking forward but your head are looking behind..
if you love him/her so much. You must be able to let him/her go for someone he/she loves. even if its not you :)
let time flow and you will find someone better:)
dont ever leave someone who loves you for somone who you liked 
Lets enjoy our young life for something better.You are only young once and lets use it for something useful instead of wasting for "someone"

thank you for your time to read , regards,anggi! :)

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Dear Teenagers,Lets Read this!

HELLO!!,this is anggi and i like to share you a short message,please read it!pure my hand writing no copy paste from anywhere else ;)
Dear teenagers,

be more "adult"ish will ya? its time for you to be more adult than you are now. Its not wrong you are a teenager.Its right! go have fun! but you can not have too much fun

Lets talk about parents,
You ever shouted to your parents?talk them behind?pointing finger behind?or mocking inside of your mind?
Listen,Stop saying on twitter or facebook or somewhere saying "i wanna die" "i wanna run away from this house,this house is worthless" "i hate my parents" "I dont need my parents"

Lets see what "our" parents did for us,and what us did for them for the past couple of years

When you were 1,your parents gave you expensive food to make you healthy
you replied them by puking,and throw them food on the floor

When you were 4,your parents take you to a school with their money they earned
you replied them by refusing to go to school

When you were 6 your parents gave you expensive clothes
then you replied them by saying "i hate this clothes i dont want to wear it!!"

When you were 10 your parents droped you on school
you replied them by running away because you are embarrased of your parents droping you off

When you were 12 your parents worried about you on school ,are you okay,are you fine,are everything okay?
you replied them by going home late playing with your friends leaving you parents/mom alone in the house WORRYING about you

When you were 13 your parents greets you after schol
you replied them by running to your room "later im tired i dont want to talk about it"

When you were 14 your parents bought you electronical stuffs like phone,computer etc. for your happiness
you replied them by playing all day long inside your room without having conversation with your parents and leaving them alone without you

Dont you realize how much you parents sacrifice for you,and dont you realize how do you "replied" all of your parent's sacrifing? 
now. TELL THEM, "I LOVE YOU" and kiss them on their cheek 
and respect them for they are your parents and forever will sacrifice for you.
Tell them all your loving words instead of you mocking words, before its TOO LATE
before they leave you FOREVER.

and for you who said "i can live without my parents" "i wanna run away" "i hate my parents"
Will you care think about it for moment?

regards , ANGGI

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Teenager's Life Inspiration

HELLO!!,this is anggi and i like to share you a short message,please read it!pure my hand writing no copy paste from anywhere else ;)

We are Teenagers.We are NO longer a member of the kids next door. Instead,we are the enemies of kids next door.okay its getting to make no sense...ok back to the topic.If you feel you dont have a good life,read this.I HOPE this will give you some inspiration. and

Dear Teenagers,
What are you doing? How old are you ?14?15?16? . Did you ever once think about you..wasting your life? girls.stop Thinking about a guy that broked your heart.Get over it,It doesnt mean that without HIM you dont have a life?Hes just a normal human,so are you,he's not worth it.

Stop thinking wheter you look cool smoking weed or not,look cool drinking alcohol and stuffs.nobody cares.Look back when you were just a little kid.You look nice,cute,looks like have a bright future,But look at you now.youre a smoker.bad ass smoker,an alcoholic,drunken man,What will your parents/future childern/very old old friend think about you now? Look at your picture when you were just a baby,clean,holy,nice. And look at you NOW

Stop being depressed. Everything have a positive side. God never give you something you cant handle. God is testing you are you strong or not. Now proof to god that you are STRONG,YOU ARE STRONG! . and justt be happy! Youre only young once this is the tima where you can have fun and forget about everything that oesnt make you happy


-regards mightyme!

Special Post for my AnnoyingBrother

Kakak gue barusan aja dapet pengumuman di terima di ITB.tinggla nunggu ditrima di NHI apa ngga..
nyokap gua yang tadi ngamuk2 tiba22 dapet kabar kea gitu lansung sujud2 terus pingsan YEGAKLAH LEBAY AMAT, cuman bersyukur doan kuk ^^

Engga nyangka ya kakak gue udah kuliah aja.Padahal kayaknya belom lama gue ama dia main2 di taman bermain pas di Bangkok.Gue main mobil2an di dalem mobil2an buat anak kecil itu loh.terus kakak gue duduk di atepnya.terus jebol...

Terus kakak gue kerjaannya main PS mulu tiap hari waktu dulu,sekarang fokus untuk kuliahnya.
Intinya.Motto gue sama kakak gue tuh
"Tiada Hari Tanpa Berkelahi" Berdebat lah inilah itulah.
tapi itu udah masa kecil #EAAA (Padahal gua gede aja belom masih bau bawang)

ITB&NHI kan di bandung tuh.Berarti gue bakal jadi anak tunggal di rumah .Dan gue udah gak ada lagi bahan untuk di tuduh (biasanya kalo gue dimarahin emak ,kebanyakan gara2 kakak gue cari ribut terus gue salahin dia) tapi sekarang udah gabisa!.

Terus kan kamar gue ama dia cuman kepisah sama connecting door.Jadi kalo dia main drum/gitar brisiknya sampe alveolus gua bergetar2 (padahal gak ada hubunganny sama sekali alveolus dan suara) Terus gua bales dengan malemnya gua main ukulele&biola sambil nyanyi2 toa sampe dia tereak2 "SSSHHHH BRISIK UDH MALEM" gua lempar dia kecoa mainan dll

nanti gua bakal sendirian dirumah ini...dan (MUNGKIN) iMacnya buat gue HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! trus drumnya buat gue HAHAHAHAHA (kan gamungkin kakak gua main drum di kampus entar dilemparin sendal jepit sama penghuni kampus lainnya #lebay)

tapi entar gua bakal ketakutan sendirian di kamar...di atas...sendirian...tanpa ada orang lain yang tidur di atas...karena emakbapak gua dibawah =.=

Postingan ini bener2 gak ada hubungannya.Gak jelas malah jadi kayak #DearDiary tapi bodo amat

good luck brother,I hate you!

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Make your blog to (yourblog.co.cc)

1.make your blog look cool (done)
2.Make your blog interesting (done)
3.Make your URL blog different (not done)

lets finish the third step.shall we??okay then.Like my blog theres doctor-stupid.co.cc . You want co.cc address too yeah?sure sure..dontworry mighty me will show u the way to have co.cc address blog. heres the step

  1. To register co.cc . go to www.co.cc
  2. On the first page,type your future link B) and click check availability to check ur future URL screenshot1.gif
  3. if its available,contiune to registrationscreenshot2.gif
  4. since YOU dont have any account.click “create an account now”.screenshot3.gif
  5. Put all of your information there! and ull be hacked sooner or later..naah just kidding ;)screenshot4.gif
  6. done?? then click “I accept the Terms of Services” I know all of you NEVER READ THE TERMS AND SERVICES . because u r lazy!. Like me B)naah who cares.just click “Create an account  screenshot5.gif
  7. congratulation..your future URL has been made!!! all because of me now pay me.naaah justkiddingscreenshot51.gif

  1.   Next click set up..screenshot5_1.gif
  2. choose “Zone Records“,at “add a record” type this :
    • Host : www.namadomain.co.cc (ex: : www.who-ever-read-this-is-so-stupid.co.cc)
    • TTL : 1D
    • Type : CNAME
    • Value: ghs.google.com screenshot6.gif
  3. Next lets go to blogger.com and type in your user and passscreenshot7.gif
  4. choose Settings > Publishing,and “Custom Domain”. screenshot8.gif
  5. next click “Switch to Advanced settings”. screenshot9.gif
  6. type in the URL u made at the co.cc at “Your Domain”,DONT FORGET to type “www”. type the word verification and click “SAVE SETTINGS” ... CONGRATULATION...U HAVE A CO.CC BLOG BECAUSE OF ME! NOW FOLLOW MY BLOG U WEIRDO SO U CAN READ MORE INFORMATION & TUTORIAL AT MY BLOG...NAAAAHH JUSTKIDDING its up 2 u to follow my blog or notscreenshot10.gif